
Showing posts from February, 2024

My Top 15 Favorite Hit Songs of 2016: Part 2 (10-1)

  10. Low Life - Future, The Weeknd  I listened to Future's album EVOL a while back in an album trade with my friend Kalameet and I really liked it.  And I loved this song even before that. This song feels kinda hypnotic with how the beat and artist's voices sound together. The production here is just stunning. Both artists sound incredible. And they manage to make the song never feel boring at all despite being downbeat and over 5 minutes. I don't have much more to say really.  9. Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande To be honest, in my opinion, even if I do like her, recently Ariana has been underwhelming me. She has so much potential and such a beautiful voice, and yet she hasn't been using it enough lately. I've heard Yes And? and it's incredibly disappointing. And there's the really bad Die For You remix. Sure there have been moments of greatness like Pov, Positions and Bad Idea, but overall her catalogue from the last few years has not won me over all that